kay, It's so long since I last post anything.
everything went well, I guess..
Now, what makes me blog is that sometimes I just feel so lonely and need to spill out sometihing which I have been wanting to say for the day. I can't be swallowing everything by myself. It's abit tough!
So..... err, I didn't use twitter that much though I own one. I guess it's something stupid for a guy. Cause no one would be interested in reading it. It more of to attract attention. And I ain't no attention seeker (chey, step nigga)
Broke up with that idiot long time ago. Don't talk about it. heeeee ^^
What concerns me THE MOST is that, I got someone that reallyreally cares for me, loves me for who I really am!
Oh, we're just crazy in love!
Alnissebel Binte Osman.
Oh, she's mixed!
I would say, 15th November was the memorable DATE~!