Saturday, November 21, 2009
'you know what I think sometimes? No, actually, all the time.
I think that you deserve someone better. Someone who can really, Be with you.
Dont you think so too, love?
This is what she said. How upset am I reading this quote. Why do you have that kind of thinking when I don't.
Never mind. I've spoken to her, and warned her not to think of such ridiculous thing. But she said she'll try her best for which I assumed that was only a joke. Haha. I mean, OI LOVE, JUST DONT!
Oh, anyway, work went great. Tiring but fine when the it comes to tips. Haha. Yesterday it was 40 bucks. Wooooo. Interesting.
Whatever it is, I'll always think of that someone. So please, again, to that someone, don't you dare think of those things anymore alright? I got you.
Loves and misses,
Lou (=
Labels: Love NUR CHEKA
2:55 AM
Sunday, November 15, 2009

oh,this lady. Becky is her name. A new friend met at escapade.
FRIEND only, for goodness sake don't think too far.
ESCAPADE went awesome.
'Howie' was in the house, man! gave me 2 free movie tickets. He's so versatile. He almost killed me yesterday by his stupid jokes!, yeah, all jokes are stupid. But still, he'll be my joker forever! Haha. But we all don't know his name, his race. We called him Howie cause he look like Howie -_-. lame, i know.
The night time was the night we all know the fanatically side of Zuhairi's towards gigs. He was so into it that he keep on jumping and headbanging till he forget about us. But the funny thing was, after 2 hours or so, after neglecting the supper,THE FOOD, he went to me and asked ' hyder, u brought your minyak kapak?' Oh Zuhairi, alamak!, I'm speecless that time. Till now.-_-'
Next, got to take picture with Sheihk Haikel.
This was our conversation:
Hyder: Can we take picture with u?
Sheihk: Sure, bro.
The first photo I was 2 person apart from him. But the 2nd was just beside!
Hyder: Haikel, bau macam rokok jer...(smell ciggarate)
Sheihk: Always, bro.
Oh, her wife! Was so attractive last night till me and Hicurll melted.
Ohya, her wife gave me 2 gifts. One, $50 SingTel voucher and the other is $5 Pizza Hut voucher.
Haikal was extremely suay. Last night his mum called to inform she'll be coming to see him. Then he need to pull off his piercing which he just done it on that morning itself. Omg. But in the end, his mum wasn't anywhere to be seen. Haha. He also lost his ciggarates. Haha. He misplaced it somewhere . Haixx, Hicurl, Hicurl. So sad.
And yeah, last but not least, to my sweet cheka:
I can't wait for our next date.
On that next date, I'll be busy thinking when will our next date be, and this will go on and on and on until. eh, NO. No 'until'. But just on and on and on and on............. (=
You were an owl. But now, tsk tsk tsk, you have to sleep early. Oh, too bad. Haha.
Oh2, and I MISS YOU!
And for your information, I don't feel like flirting anymore. NO! Not because I don't want, I WANT! It's my hobbie, love. Haha, But the fact remains that, why would I flirt when I've already found the most attratctive lady, the lady that I've been looking for, and the one that could bring smile each morning despite problems are weighing down hardly on me. Why?? *tk terjawab kau* Haha.
and thats it (=
7:07 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I don't know how, I don't know why, I don't know WHAT has happened. I can't change the pass neither do I can predict the future.
What concerns me is that I LOVE NUR SHAFIQAH!
What you've got to say?
I don't want and I don't WISH to, in fact, repeat the same shit that I've done.
A perfect girl which never had even a single experience in relationship,
Is just not suitable for me?
Is the worst match ever on earth?
is just not right for me?
ME. A player? a heart breaker?
Oh,stop being such a busybody.
I've realised my mistakes, and got a life. A perfect one indeed.
Thanks to all.
To my friends that has been supporting and encouraging me.
As well as to those just want to see a sucker in me.
6:22 AM
Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
yeah, something for sure, i would tend to irritate people more and more and more if I'm happy, happy, happy. But would go otherwise if I'm down.
HAHA. But don't talk about being down cause I'm so in a mood today. Haha.
Slap me!, I'll laugh!. Nyeahaha!!!...
Oh2..ya, should have tell u why I'm happy rite.....
err, GOT AN ADIO BAG dookksss!!!!
Finally, I own something that I have been adoring since centuries. Haha. k, Lame.
But whatever it is, THANKS TO BABA! (=
To dearest Cheka:
Dark days become sunny
Frigid days become warm,
Rainy days become cloudless
And lightning got wiped away from the storm.
Oceans sing,
Rocks cry out,
Mountains roar,
And tree branches shout.
The stars fall
Right out of the sky.
The moon winks
And the sun went dry.
All because you said one thing
All because you said it true
All because you made me smile
All because you said 'I love you'.
You are my inspiration.
Having you in my life
revived my sleeping devotion.
You are indeed a special someone.
Loving you gives me hope
to free this misery that I coped.
In those times I gave up
You came and I stood up.
Never will I forget
how you always cheer me up
every time I'm sad
and for that I'm glad.
Whenever I'm lonely
You are there for me
keeping my heart alive
with your every smile.
I dedicate this poem to you
to show how much you mean
to me - I love you
My special someone!
I LOVE U, Cheka~~~Labels: Lou' Cheka
6:26 AM
Saturday, November 7, 2009
huh? need i keep my volume down? where am i now? oh, my own blog. haha.
kk, don't be too happy.
huh? why can't i be happy?? O LEVELS are over!!!!!
ok craps. still 2 more papers ahead. Mother tongue, and yeah, pathetically, science paper 1.-_-
Lame shit. How i wish those papers would be canceled. Nyeahha.
ANYWAY, Lou misses her Cheka.
err, .....cause... *too personal*. nyeahha.
But yeah, ever since that particular day when u said something stupid, I got no control over it, man! Haha.
Cheka owns Lou's heart. She really do.
But still I have no idea......of how ON EARTH this could happen!
Haha. It was almost impossible for us to be together.
Well, that's how beautiful love can be. haha.
Hey cheka,
9:05 AM
Saturday, November 21, 2009
'you know what I think sometimes? No, actually, all the time.
I think that you deserve someone better. Someone who can really, Be with you.
Dont you think so too, love?
This is what she said. How upset am I reading this quote. Why do you have that kind of thinking when I don't.
Never mind. I've spoken to her, and warned her not to think of such ridiculous thing. But she said she'll try her best for which I assumed that was only a joke. Haha. I mean, OI LOVE, JUST DONT!
Oh, anyway, work went great. Tiring but fine when the it comes to tips. Haha. Yesterday it was 40 bucks. Wooooo. Interesting.
Whatever it is, I'll always think of that someone. So please, again, to that someone, don't you dare think of those things anymore alright? I got you.
Loves and misses,
Lou (=
Labels: Love NUR CHEKA
2:55 AM
Sunday, November 15, 2009

oh,this lady. Becky is her name. A new friend met at escapade.
FRIEND only, for goodness sake don't think too far.
ESCAPADE went awesome.
'Howie' was in the house, man! gave me 2 free movie tickets. He's so versatile. He almost killed me yesterday by his stupid jokes!, yeah, all jokes are stupid. But still, he'll be my joker forever! Haha. But we all don't know his name, his race. We called him Howie cause he look like Howie -_-. lame, i know.
The night time was the night we all know the fanatically side of Zuhairi's towards gigs. He was so into it that he keep on jumping and headbanging till he forget about us. But the funny thing was, after 2 hours or so, after neglecting the supper,THE FOOD, he went to me and asked ' hyder, u brought your minyak kapak?' Oh Zuhairi, alamak!, I'm speecless that time. Till now.-_-'
Next, got to take picture with Sheihk Haikel.
This was our conversation:
Hyder: Can we take picture with u?
Sheihk: Sure, bro.
The first photo I was 2 person apart from him. But the 2nd was just beside!
Hyder: Haikel, bau macam rokok jer...(smell ciggarate)
Sheihk: Always, bro.
Oh, her wife! Was so attractive last night till me and Hicurll melted.
Ohya, her wife gave me 2 gifts. One, $50 SingTel voucher and the other is $5 Pizza Hut voucher.
Haikal was extremely suay. Last night his mum called to inform she'll be coming to see him. Then he need to pull off his piercing which he just done it on that morning itself. Omg. But in the end, his mum wasn't anywhere to be seen. Haha. He also lost his ciggarates. Haha. He misplaced it somewhere . Haixx, Hicurl, Hicurl. So sad.
And yeah, last but not least, to my sweet cheka:
I can't wait for our next date.
On that next date, I'll be busy thinking when will our next date be, and this will go on and on and on until. eh, NO. No 'until'. But just on and on and on and on............. (=
You were an owl. But now, tsk tsk tsk, you have to sleep early. Oh, too bad. Haha.
Oh2, and I MISS YOU!
And for your information, I don't feel like flirting anymore. NO! Not because I don't want, I WANT! It's my hobbie, love. Haha, But the fact remains that, why would I flirt when I've already found the most attratctive lady, the lady that I've been looking for, and the one that could bring smile each morning despite problems are weighing down hardly on me. Why?? *tk terjawab kau* Haha.
and thats it (=
7:07 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I don't know how, I don't know why, I don't know WHAT has happened. I can't change the pass neither do I can predict the future.
What concerns me is that I LOVE NUR SHAFIQAH!
What you've got to say?
I don't want and I don't WISH to, in fact, repeat the same shit that I've done.
A perfect girl which never had even a single experience in relationship,
Is just not suitable for me?
Is the worst match ever on earth?
is just not right for me?
ME. A player? a heart breaker?
Oh,stop being such a busybody.
I've realised my mistakes, and got a life. A perfect one indeed.
Thanks to all.
To my friends that has been supporting and encouraging me.
As well as to those just want to see a sucker in me.
6:22 AM
Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
I'm so, so, so, happy.....
yeah, something for sure, i would tend to irritate people more and more and more if I'm happy, happy, happy. But would go otherwise if I'm down.
HAHA. But don't talk about being down cause I'm so in a mood today. Haha.
Slap me!, I'll laugh!. Nyeahaha!!!...
Oh2..ya, should have tell u why I'm happy rite.....
err, GOT AN ADIO BAG dookksss!!!!
Finally, I own something that I have been adoring since centuries. Haha. k, Lame.
But whatever it is, THANKS TO BABA! (=
To dearest Cheka:
Dark days become sunny
Frigid days become warm,
Rainy days become cloudless
And lightning got wiped away from the storm.
Oceans sing,
Rocks cry out,
Mountains roar,
And tree branches shout.
The stars fall
Right out of the sky.
The moon winks
And the sun went dry.
All because you said one thing
All because you said it true
All because you made me smile
All because you said 'I love you'.
You are my inspiration.
Having you in my life
revived my sleeping devotion.
You are indeed a special someone.
Loving you gives me hope
to free this misery that I coped.
In those times I gave up
You came and I stood up.
Never will I forget
how you always cheer me up
every time I'm sad
and for that I'm glad.
Whenever I'm lonely
You are there for me
keeping my heart alive
with your every smile.
I dedicate this poem to you
to show how much you mean
to me - I love you
My special someone!
I LOVE U, Cheka~~~Labels: Lou' Cheka
6:26 AM
Saturday, November 7, 2009
huh? need i keep my volume down? where am i now? oh, my own blog. haha.
kk, don't be too happy.
huh? why can't i be happy?? O LEVELS are over!!!!!
ok craps. still 2 more papers ahead. Mother tongue, and yeah, pathetically, science paper 1.-_-
Lame shit. How i wish those papers would be canceled. Nyeahha.
ANYWAY, Lou misses her Cheka.
err, .....cause... *too personal*. nyeahha.
But yeah, ever since that particular day when u said something stupid, I got no control over it, man! Haha.
Cheka owns Lou's heart. She really do.
But still I have no idea......of how ON EARTH this could happen!
Haha. It was almost impossible for us to be together.
Well, that's how beautiful love can be. haha.
Hey cheka,
9:05 AM